The Essex County Tenant Resource Center {TRC) provides information, counseling and referrals to consumers as to their rights. Our focus is dedicated to promoting positive relations between rent;al housing consumers , and landlords throughout Essex County. 


This information will enable our citizens to preserve and maintain decent affordable housing, by ensuring that tenants and landlords are aware of their rights, and what to do when violations and problems occur. 


In addition to the aforementioned, the Tenant Resource Center also provides workshops and on-site seminars to educate the consumers of Essex County on their rights as landlords and tenants. 


  • Counseling consumers on preventing them from becoming homeless 
  • Building maintenance and code enforcement issues when landlord are derelict with health and safety violations 
  • What you should know about housing discrimination 
  • Directing consumers who are illegally evicted from their apartment, including referrals for legal advise 
  • Tenants' rights during a foreclosure 
  • How to get your landlord to make repairs 
  • Lead paint and lead poisoning 
  • Child-Protection window guards 
  • Warrant of removal 
  • Getting your security back
  • Hardship stays up to six months 
  • Heat requirements 
  • Illegal rent increases 
  • Provide direct services for New Jersey Shares when funds are available 
  • Refer consumer to various provider agencies for rental and utility assistance when funds are available.